Daily Instant Х

LuckyBlast - Daily Lottery

This is the most honest lottery - absolutely the entire collected fund is distributed every day among all winning tickets. Distribution is carried out randomly by a smart contract; up to 10 lucky winners will share the entire bank. No deductions to the administration or anyone else - all money collected is raffled off every day!*

The implementation of the lottery on a smart contract eliminates manipulation by the project administration or third parties.

Thanks to the BLAST network, we were able to make the lottery truly public - the administration does not take a percentage of ticket sales. We make money only on the smart contract itself ;)

In addition, we will distribute 100% of BLAST points and gold among the owners of losing tickets ;)

Thus, our lottery becomes win-win ;) !!!

The more tickets you have, the greater your chances to win.

Lottery Image

The drawing includes ... tickets and a total prize pool of ... ETH

Drawing results